Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Laughing at a Cats Expence, why not they probably do it to us!

This is my lunatic kitten Midgie who is almost 3, she is really tiny for her age which was to her advantage today!
Our dog Bailey chases her around the house and when he finally corners her they get into a royal rumble. Midgie ends up putting Bailey in a suplex somehow and then he gives in. But alas today was Bailey's day. I suspect she was enticing him to engage in a race down the hall into the bedroom with the master plan in mind to hide under my housecoat (no doubt thinking he couldn't see her if she couldn't see him!) I heard a squeal out of her and ran down the hall to see her try to escape out the sleeve !!!!! She twisted and turned and panted and sweat and finally gave in to her restraints. I ran back down the hall to get my camera and snapped a couple of shots then I sat there on the floor trying to get her out while laughing my head off hysterically!
In the first pic she looks like the deer caught in the headlights and the second pose she looks as if she is quite the contortionist!
She really gets herself into what would seem to be the most uncomfortable positions. Below is a failed attempt at trying to keep her out of the Christmas tree. She really enjoyed sleeping on that limb half way up.
So this is what entertains me while I wait for our referral! Was I mean to leave her in the sleeve while I ran for the camera???


OziMum said...

he he he!

Special K said...

Oh now that's funny stuff!

Julie said...


Shannon said...

Gotta go for those laughs when you can! Yes, it's a good thing the pets don't have cameras! Once again, you scored with the music...my niece loves this song.

jeanette said...

that's hilarious!

Elise said...

Our cats bring us much amusement too! Love your kiddie pics!!!

Anonymous said...

"Was I mean to leave her in the sleeve while I ran for the camera??? ".....

CERTAINLY NOT!!! Reminds me of an event with my oldest child...
when she was two years old, while I was busy writing on my computer, she decided to entertain herself in another room by completely undressing...THEN she decided, for some reason only apparent to a two year old(!), to put her panties on LIKE A SHIRT. This is very difficult, if you have never, yourself, tried it...probably akin to the hardship of being a cat squeezing out the sleeve of a bathrobe! Presently, I heard my daughter screaming frantically. Jumping up and running into the living room, I found her lying on the floor on her belly, stark naked except for the underpanties that she had somehow managed to chicken wing herself with! With both arms securely trapped behind her back (threaded through the waist band and leg holes of her panties), trying to free her arms, she had fallen over onto her belly and was unable to get back up! There she was, rocking frantically back and forth on her tummy, her arms effectively tied behind her. The scene before me reminded me of a turtle hopelessly trapped on its back!

Did I rescue her? Certainly...AFTER grabbing the video camera and filming a few seconds of that scene for distant-future black-mailing! Might come in handy when I am navigating those rough teen years...should be worth SOME cooperation from my daughter, then, for me to "lose" that footage! (In the meantime, it was great to be able to SHOW her daddy the scene that night when he returned home!)


Anne Marie said...

Hahaha! So cute. I can't believe she got herself in there or halfway up the Christmas tree! Or maybe I can...

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Anonymous said...

Only Midge! That was just tooo funny!~ Just wait to see what kind of perdicaments midgie and baby Callie will get into. Better keep the camera ready to go and on hand at all times!!!!!....lol

Calico Sky said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. How lucky to live in PEI, great to meet another Canadian.
Looking forward to learning more about your adoption journey!

Tao's Mommy said...

OMG Deb that is too funny!!! I love when the animals play and chase eachother!!
What a beautiful picture of Midget..