We built our house 7 years ago and the vapor barrier went in almost every one of our windows! They were guaranteed for 10 years so we ordered new ones and just got the call they are all at the suppliers now. Have to wait til we get home to get them in. I'll be so glad to finally be able to look outside a clear window!
I got the veggie garden planted!! Wasn't sure this would happen before our trip but I had an energy surge and went to town! The sunflowers are called Kong...they can grow up to 14 ft! When we were at the green house buying the seeds the ladies asked Sugar Pie if she wanted a tree to plant (they had little white pine seedlings for the little ones) then they asked if there were any other little ones at home and I told them there would be in a couple of weeks! They gave another one to Sugar and told her to plant it for her little brother. I started to get teary eyed right there...I really believe when a woman is adopting and your this close your body produces the same hormone a physically pregnant woman does! It doesn't take much to get me going these last 2 weeks!
One of my hubby's best buddy's came over on the weekend with this adorable jacket for Hunny Bunch. It's a team jacket for our local hockey team here. It has our last name embroidered on the back. He'll look so good in red too!
Sugar Pie had her spring concert last week. She was singing a song called "Gator Baby" to the tune of "Santa Baby". The Gator is the schools mascot. One of the lines in the songs goes """Look at all the fun I've missed, without a Gator baby brother to kiss""and guess what I did when I heard that line? ...Yup I cried. LOL.
I've set up a mobile email for blogger so I should have no trouble posting. Hopefully!
We would love it if you think of us in your prayers! Coverage is vital, and we would be greatly blessed. Prayer for Hunny Bunch, that he will feel comforted if he grieves right away, comfort for the wonderful foster family who gave so much of themselves to help our little boy. Safety as we travel. Health. That we have all the necessary things we need. Shane's parents are traveling with us so prayer for them as well. That we can switch the 12 hour difference easily. Prayer that Sugar Pie will travel well. Prayer for Shane that he can keep his blood sugars regulated with the change in foods. (He did really well the last trip). Prayer that my back will hold up to carrying a little one around during some of the longer daily excursions! That whatever this skin irritation around my eyes and my neck goes away. (Never had an allergy before so not sure if this is what it could be or not). Prayer for my big girl who's not been feeling very well lately. She's had some blood work done and her iron count was way up. Hoping she's get answers really soon. And last but certainly not least that we would enjoy our trip and have many wonderful memories to talk about for years to come!!
So I think this will be the last post until we're in China, unless I have a chance to post tomorrow night when I can't sleep!!!!!!! Ahhhh! I think this is all starting to sink in! Pinch me! My sister and Mom and coming down to the airport to see us off, I'm finding great comfort in this. They and our friend Gary will be checking on the house, watering the plants, and cutting the grass while we're gone. Our kitty Midgie is off to my friend Dara's for the 2 weeks. They took her today...I miss her already....even though I let on she's a pain in the but. :o)....think she grew on me..I once hated cats.
we r praying!
Getting ready and tying up loose ends. Safe travels and we are thinking and praying for you all. Take it all in and enjoy every minute!
Keep smilin!
Wishing you the best of luck in China! Happy travels and congrats!
Oh happy travels...this is very exciting,enjoy every precious moment while in China.Great big hugs to u all and am really looking forward to seeing that little cutie in your loving arms.
Hugs and Prayers from across the waters
Here's too save and happy travels to China...looking forward to updates!
Hugs and Prayers from Florida.
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