Thanks for your patience from a couple of posts ago, I didn't want to say anything until we were pretty sure it was going to happen and no sorry to say we did not received a referral as a couple of people commented and e-mailed me on but it will certainly help us deal with the wait . So here you go the secret revealed.
A few months ago we heard of a family who lived in our province about an hour away who just moved here from China 10 months ago. They have 2 children a daughter who is 15 and a son who is 9. They were looking for a host home for their daughter from February to June. She would be going back to her family every second weekend. In China some do this so that their girls learn independence early. Her parents were hoping to place her in an English speaking home where there was already an adopted child from China, but they were fine to know that we were in the process. This means that she will transfer from one high school to another. I hope the transition goes smoothly for her. Shane and I were very interested in meeting them and talking with them so we e-mailed back and forth for a little while. A couple of weeks ago we met with them at their home and they cooked us a real Chinese meal which was actually very good. We had Chinese dumplings, shrimp with green beans and sweet potato noodles with shredded cucumber. The daughter sat and talked with us lots and we really hit it off. I think her English is exceptional considering they have only been here for 10 months. She carries a pocket translator which looks like a calculator for when she is looking for the correct word to use. This experience will benefit us as well as we will learn a lot about their culture and personal experiences and we will learn to speak some of their language.
Sunday after Church my daughter called my cell phone and told me there was company at the house, it was this family coming to see our home and their daughter wanted to see where her room would be. The mom loved it. I took her into the nursery and she looked at me and said how sad it was I had to wait so long and that it really touched her heart to see the room. "Sniff* *gulp* *sniff*. The son had a great time playing Shane's drums and thought he would like to stay too! The daughter fell in love with Midgie, she had a kitten home in Beijing that she had to give away before they came to Canada so Midgie was a blessing for her to see.
So how exciting for us to be given such an opportunity as this! It gives us something to look forward to over the next 2 months and when she is here for 5 months it will make the wait so much easier! So there will be 7 months out of our wait used constructively. This will bring us to our 24month LID. I have so many fun things planned for us. I am really looking forward to introducing her to our youth group! They are going to love her! I hope that we will stay in touch after her stay with us for many years to come.
Well off I go now to find some new shoes to wear with my new dress for Shane's Christmas party in Montreal! Yup, I decided to go. We are hoping to meet up with this fun couple I have met through blogging about 2 years ago, it will be nice to meet them in person. We just have to confirm when and where.
That sounds so exciting and I can't wait to read about all your fun adventures! This will really help the time fly until referral:)
That is a wonderful thing you are doing. It will expose both you and her to new things.
I'll email you later on to firm up details.
Keep smilin!
This is fantastic,what a great experience this will be for you all.
So happy that you decided to attend hubbies Christmas party...looking forward to hearing all about and seeing the photos.
This sounds like so much fun, for you and both families involved.
I too can't wait to read about your adventures.
What a wonderful way to ease the long referral wait. :O)
oh what a blessing to have come your way!!! Wonderful!
wow, what a cool blessing, you gotta keep us posted on how it goes!! congrats!!
What a blessing for you and this young girl. I'm so very thrilled for you.
Wow - what a fantastic opportunity! I hope you get to learn lots of Chinese too!
That is just awesome.....I can't wait to hear about the interesting culture that she brings into your home.....perhaps this will help you heart wait a little longer! ;)
What a wonderful opportunity you have been blessed with!!
I am so jealous that you get to meet the Fabulous Doris and Dan, you lucky duck! Have a great time in Montreal!!
Smiles! :o)
Oh, that is such wonderful news!
It will be such an incredible experience for you all...I'm so glad we'll be able to follow along!
She will certainly be "joining" an amazing family! Very cool indeed!
PS Don't forget to show us the shoes! =)
Aw man, you get to hang out with D & D?! The four of you together should make for a great post!!! Watch out Montreal!
Sounds like a blast...
what an exciting adventure! Can't wait to hear more about it.
Have fun in Montreal and meeting Doris and Dan. Sounds like a lot of fun.
I think that is very exciting. I know that you and the girl will have a wonderful experience. Doris and Dan are the best!
Hope you have a great week! ;)
Deb, sounds like so much fun. I wouldn't mind doing something like this to help pass the time.
I can't wait to see updates on this.
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