Well a few posts ago I showed you the top of my practice quilt and here it is complete. I feel pretty confident now that I can tackle the 100 Good Wishes Quilt. I hope to get the last few pieces from friends and family members in the next few days! You know who you are!!!! Yup, I could name you, but I won't. Well not on this post anyway. I have one who I could threaten to put a photo of on my blog and she is wearing a phony pony!!! But I'll give her a few days to contribute her quilt square. Yup "S" it's you! HE HE !
Happy 6th Anniversary to Tara and Andy! They are going to supper tonight and my Mother in law is watching the kiddo's.
Happy 6th anniversary to me too! I quit smoking on their wedding day! Wow 6 years ago I smoked! ick I can't believe I did that!
So here it is.......September! I put my Apple Shutter-ups on the house. School starts here on Tuesday!
3months 3weeks 3 days and Christmas is here!
I want one for me!!!!! Hey ya know how you said you couldn't think of what to get me on my brithday? (hint hint) I know I'm 30ish but I can still have a BLANKIE if I wanta! lol
FYI- If any of you have not yet heard the song "When love takes you in" by Steven CurtisChapman you have to check out this blog and listen to the song and watch the video! BRING TISSUES!!
Congratulations on your quilt, it looks fantastic! And hey, even more congratulations on your anniversary of quitting smoking! What a huge accomplishment! THAT is something to be very proud of! Wonderful!
Janet T.
Oh! And one more thing.... may I link your blog on mine?
Janet T.
Congratulations on 6 smoke free years. That is wonderful!
Your practice quilt is amazing! I can't wait to see your good wishes quilt.
Great Job Girl!!!! CONGRATS on finishing it...must make you excited to get started on the "REAL" one. Cant wait to see it!!
Very beautiful job.....Love the colors you chose!!!
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