Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy 4th Anniversary Honey

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Yesterday was my nephew Colby's birthday so "Happy Birthday Colby Co." He was also the ringbearer in our Wedding.
For those of you who don't know, my honey is in Kentucky on training for his work for two weeks so we have to wait to celebrate our anniversary when he gets home! This was his favorite song when we 1st met it is "Phenomenon" by LL Cool J. I was trying to find our Wedding song but had no luck, It was "I Don't Wanna Close My Eyes" by Areosmith
Armageddon was the movie we seen on our 1st date May of '98

I know you will see this today and I wanted to surprise you so *Happy Anniversary Baby*
I thought it would be nice for you to see *Prayer Rock* from your hotel room so here you are.
Wow where did the last 4 years go? I love you more than words can say, I would Marry you again in a heartbeat.
Do you remember when we first met and you had sooooo many walls built up around you, you were Mr. Macho and no one was ever going to budge your ridged iron stance, and you were not going to let anyone ever hurt you again, well then do you also remember that I said to you one night that you reminded me of someone and I couldn't think of who then I thought of it and said OHHHHH I KNOW Michael Landon from " Little House on the Prarie" &"Highway to Heaven"! You asked quizzically (and rather disgusted) "why" and I said" I could see a softness in your eyes"?
Well baby we tore down walls in 8 years and you have come out of your hiding place/bomb shelter and wow !!!! Look at you shine!!! You have the heart that played the dad in "Little House on the Prarie" and the faith like in "Highway to Heaven"! 8 years ago you didn't see it but I did ;O)
I new there was gold at the end of my rainbow and look at us now!
I remember waking up in the middle of the night just looking at you while you slept and thinking I must be dreaming. I wasn't it was true you really are mine.
I can hardly wait to get our daughter from China and start a new chapter in our lives with her, she will be so blessed to have a dad like you and I know you will feel blessed to have her as our daughter.
Thank you Lord for bringing us together.
Shane you are my best friend I LOVE YOU with all my heart.
Can't wait for you to come home!
8.3.1 Baby


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Beautiful letter to your honey! Hope you have a great time celebrating your anniversary when he gets home!

Janet T.

Polar Bear said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful celebration when Shane gets home!

I love the picture. That is so neat!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Happy Anniversary! You are very sweet to create this for your hubby!

4D said...

Happy Anniversary!

What a beautiful letter to your hubby.

You are blessed to have each other.

Keep smilin!

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Happy anniversary to you both! Hope you have a wonderful celebration.

Dawn and Dale said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

I hope you two get to see each other and "celebrate" ;) soon!!! lol

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

You are a very special wife to me and you always will be.I am very proud to be able to spend my life with you and to share everything I have to offer to you and Jaclyn.Take care and God bless you guys.Only 10 more days.This blog made my day.Love you Shanexoxoxoxo

Tao's Mommy said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Deb & Shane!! What a great idea with the sand & rock Deb....what would we do without blogging!! You have such a beautiful family and I cant wait until you 3 have your little one from china....she has wonderful parents and a awesome big sister!!!
Enjoy your Anniversary when Shane gets back!!

Elisa...life as we know it. said...

Happy anniversary to both of you.
We got Highway to Heaven in England too, I loved that show!

Dawn and Dale said...

Ok....you must find out your LID soon!!!! It's starting to drive me crazy for you!! lol You must really be going nuts!

Shannon said...

You two are so wonderful together! Happy Anniversary!

J Brant said...

Happy anniversary and glad to hear you got the quilt piece and that it was on time...phew!!! I had it in my car but kept forgetting to drop it off until I was halfway home.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 4th Anniversary. We wish you both all the best as you journey home together. Hope you get word on your LID soon. I don't think I could be this patient not knowing.

All the best

Liam and Sherry-Lou