Oh, Midgie wants to say thank you also! She LOVED her new bed. I couldn't keep her out of it. My nephew folded the flaps closed and she didn't flinch! Hummmmm.........perhaps she was hoping I'd pack her up and send her somewhere. :o(
Bailey thought he should go to work in Montreal with Shane last week. I didn't think I was going to be able to capture this shot in time but I had no problem, we had to physically remove him off the suitcase!
I have to share this fun and quick little hors d'oeuvre since the holidays are just around the corner. They are bacon wrapped cherries and bacon wrapped pineapple, don't get turned off too quickly now, I'm sure you have all had a baked ham with pineapple and cherries on it right? All I do is cut the lb of bacon in half, wrap a cherry or a pineapple chunk in a slice of bacon and stick a tooth pick threw it. Bake until edges are golden. You'll be surprised at how quick they will go. The last time I made them for a get together a friend of mine tried to say cherry and pineapple at the same time and asked if I made "chinapples" !!!!! I have since renamed them you guessed it.....Chinapples!
I am having one of those crazy weeks where it is one thing after another, so I'll try to get around to every ones blogs the best I can. I have some exciting news to share with you soon. I just can't tell anyone until I have permission. I know, I know, I know you hate it when people do this! So here is just a tiny fragment of a hint.....it will help make at least 5 months of our wait pass by quickly. That is all I can say for now.
Chinapple, I think they sound yummy.
What beautiful treasres your secret pal sent you.. Pumpkin spice, now that sounds good!! :O)
Thanks for visiting my site!
What a great secret pal! Glad your feeling better too :)
Great secret pal stuff!
Your pets are TOO cute!
Great stuff and love the cat pic....looks exactly how my cat would be:)
wow! Your secret pal is the best!
secret pal rock! What great pictures
Wow, you got a ton of great stuff from your secret buddy.
I may just try that hors d'oeuvre. It sounds like it could be good!
UMMMMMM.....I'll have to try making your chinapples,iv'e made the water chestnuts and also scallops wrapped in bacon but never pinapples or cherries.
Now I just wonder what your little secret may be...right now i'm thinking one of two things ?????Hey can you give one more hint????
Great pressies! Are you getting the feeling your pets don't really want to stay home?!!
Your Chinapples look amazing - you're so clever!!!
Mmmmmm.... I likes your chinapples, likes them a lot.
See you tonight!
Ihave had those with waterchesnuts. Veddy interesting!
Keep smilin!
I love secrets!! Permission to say...humm I wonder..????
Glad you are feeling better.
Sorry I haven't posted for a while.
I have a few secrets myself...
Wonderful gifts! I love secret stuff!
We love a recipe that Paula Deen has with bacon, cheese on a cracker. Sounds strange, but baked together is a great hors d'oeuvre but sometimes dry. Yours sounds great (and better)!
LID 01/27/06
Great Secret Pal! I love you blog look! SO CUTE!
Great gifties! I'm sorry that your pets seem to want to leave :(
Maybe they're just trying to guilt you into some big treats under the Christmas tree this year!
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