Man I don't usually complain but today I'm going to for just once. I feel gross, my back is sore which nothing new it just seems worse when your feeling something coming on. I thought at first it was my allergies acting up because during our youth group weekend (which went fantastic!)we slept on air mattresses on the carpet of an older building, or the fact that St. John has a lot of smog and pollution in the air from the surrounding factories. I did take my allergy medication with me but was so busy I didn't take the time to take it. Since I returned home I have been taking it but I have this burning in my throat and chest with an itch.....I think I'm in denial cause I hardly ever get sick. It doesn't usually stop me but today while I was with a client I felt like my "stuffed up sinus helium head" was floating in the air and I was loosing concentration. I'm just going to try to take it easy after work my schedule isn't too hectic today. Sorry if I sound like your husbands....LOL.....I will survive. But I sure could use a bowl of my Gramma's chicken soup. Or a hug from a little black haired, almond shaped cocoa brown eyed girl who calls me Momma. *Sniff*
Hope you start to feel better soon! This song is the cutest!
Get better soon,I have bbeen fighting a cold for 2 weeks...it just won't go away!
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Get better soon! I really it's doubly worse when you hardly ever get sick!
I pray you get better soon.
Get well soon, the weekend is coming so hopefully you'll be able to rest plenty!!
Hope you feel better soon. Be sure to take your medicine and go and see the Dr. I have had the flu for 14 days now it has been awful.
oh I am sorry.... whine away.
hope you feel better asap so many are feeling ill right now and winter isn't here yet.
Soon you will have a little almond eyed baby girl... Soon...
Hope your feeling better soon.
Hugs from across the water!
Sorry you are not feeling too well. Feel better soon!
Yeah, I'm pretty much betting that last sentence might be your cure :O) Sorry your feeling crummy.
Aw sweetie, I sure do hope you're feeling better! We have a nasty bug here, too - but it stung my little black haired, almond shaped cocoa brown eyed girl!!! AHHH!
Hope your on the mend soon :)
Hope your feeling better soon! A nasty bug has been flying around our house this week. It's not pretty!
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