Saturday, September 30, 2006

MY Honey is on a Plane Coming Home!

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He arrives at the airport at 10:00pm and by the time he gets his bags and drives home it will be midnight, can I stay up that long? Heck YA!
I would imagine we will go out tomorrow for our belated anniversary. Sounds like a great reason to go for CHINESE to me!I have to go I gotta go make myself all pretty or at least try! K gotta go I have an appointment with the wax pot!!!!

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OziMum said...

Have a great "coming home/anniversary" dinner! My man's away at the moment too... he's quite annoying while he's here, maybe that's why I miss him so much when he's gone?!!!

:) Lee-Anne

J Brant said...

I love that you are so excited about Shane coming home. I hope you are feeling better and that you get to go out for Chinese food!

Shannon said...

You are too cute!
Hope the wax is kind! =0 as we know it. said...

Have a great chinese and a nice night!!

Dawn and Dale said...

Oh I'm soooo happy for you!!!

Enjoy your man!!

4D said...

Have a great homecoming!

Keep smilin!